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Redefining Disability


Our understanding and approach towards disability must evolve to allow for a greater consideration towards diversity in design. This can start with shifting our mindsets in regards to the below three areas within our society.

1- Abstract Space

The title placed onto a participant depending on their functional capacity, displayed behavior, level of support required and past trauma’s.

How communication with a user is approached in this space:

This is what a home looks like.

1a- Abstract Space Redefined

Every individual has a different set of values, likes/dislikes, necessities, abilities and level of support required to sustain a healthy and functional lifestyle. In addition to this, change is a constant variable associated with growth hence no human can every be limited to the dictation of a label or title.

How communication with a user should be approached in this space:

What do you perceive a home to be?

2- Social Space

A perception made towards individuals bearing different physical and mental attributes to a norm which has been formulated through an analysis of the average human and societies expectations of what is required for its sustainability.

How communication with a user is approached in this space:

Here is a list of goals intended for your growth.

2a- Social Space Redefined

Society and our surrounding environment must shift and adapt to our needs, wants, likes and dislikes. There is no one way of living which can be deemed correct or appropriate. The range of access and support must be expanded upon to allow participation from the majority of the public rather than a certain percentage.

How communication with a user should be approached in this space:

What capacity would you like to build on?

3- Symbolic Space

The degree of support deemed necessary in provision of individuals requiring assistance towards their level of accessibility. A checklist intended to protect the provider rather than a guide used to anticipate for the users needs.

How communication with a user is approached in this space:

Here is a list of support provided.

3a- Symbolic Space Redefined

It is very limiting and segregating to navigate a world designed narrowly for neuro-typical individuals. The spaced intended for neuro-divergent users is also deemed acceptable from the perception of neurotypicals. A more diverse conversation must take place to allow for a broader range of opinions to be made regarding our everyday environment.

How communication with a user should be approached in this space:

How can we adapt the environment to allow for your interests?

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